Friday, December 24, 2010

Om Siswo

Sepulang sekolah, Nasha menyampaikan berita bahwa Om Siswo meninggal dunia. Memang Om Siswo telah lama sakit. Ketika Nasha dan Ibu tiba di rumah duka, Nasha melihat Om Siswo berjalan menuju belakang. Nasha tidak sempat memperhatikan, apakah kaiknya menjejak lantai atau tidak. Hihihi. Jadi, siapa yang meninggal?

Judul: Om Siswo
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Majalah: Bobo No. 37 tahun XXXVIII 23 Desember 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tamu di Pagi Hari

Pagi itu Tante Tisna datang berkunjung. Ini baru kali pertama Tante Tisna bertemu Naya. Tante Tisna bercerita banyak tentang kebiasaan Bunda semasa kuliah dulu. Kok Tante Tisna tahu? Tentu saja karena berdasarkan pengakuannya, Tante Tisna itu teman kuliah Bunda.
Ketika menemui Tante Tisna, Bunda bingung dan merasa belum pernah kenal dengan Tante Tisna ini. Jadi, siapa sih Tante Tisna ini?

Judul: Tamu di Pagi Hari
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Majalah: Bobo No. 34 tahun XXXVIII 2 Desember 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Banjarmasih 2010

Peserta pelatihan di Banjarmasin. Ekspresif? Emang! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Farmer and the Devils

While waiting for the rain to stop, a farmer sat in a hollow tree. Then he heard weird sounds. He saw a crowd of weird creatures. Some of them were red with green clothes, while others were black with red clothes. Some of them had one eye, while others had no mouth. Who are they? Why did the farmer want to dance with them?

Title: The Farmer and the Devils
Retold by: Uncu Nana
Magazine: CnS Junior Edition 86 Volume VIII November 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where are You, Bit?

Tina was trying hard to contact Obit, but she was in vain. She tried again; Obit didn't answer her call. She sent him some messages. Did Obit reply? No. Where was Obit?

Judul: Where are You, Bit?
Penulis: Gulaibanak
Majalah: Story Edisi 15/Th. II/25 Oktober 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Mouse Deer and the Tiger

A mouse deer and his friends went fishing. One watched the fish at the riverside while others were in the river. Suddenly a hungry tiger approached the buffalo, the guard. They started to fight and the buffalo lost the fight. the tiger ate all the fish and went away.
A mouse deer and his friends kept catching the fish. This time, the big elephant watched the fish. He watched the fish carefully. He did his job well. But the hungry tiger came back. What would happen next?

Title: The Mouse Deer and the Tiger (A Folktale from West Kalimantan)
Retold by Uncu Nana
Magazine: CnS Junior Edition 85 Volume VIII October 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Love Reading 2

Seri: I Love Reading 2
Penulis: Erna Fitrini & Ratih Sumiratingratri
Editor: Didik Djunaedi

Ilustrasi: Tim Artistik CPR
Penerbit: Cahaya Pustaka Raga

I Love Reading 1

Seri: I Love Reading 1
Penulis: Erna Fitrini & Ratih Sumiratingratri
Editor: Didik Djunaedi

Ilustrasi: Tim Artistik CPR
Penerbit: Cahaya Pustaka Raga

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pontianak, 2009

Information Gap, yang satu jidatnya berkerut & yang lain siap dengan sebungkus tisu. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pavo pada Festival Tahunan

Banyak peserta di festival tahunan kali ini. Ada cendrawasih, susakrawa, tupai, sapi dan hewan lainnya. Semua penghuni rimba terpesona menyaksikan, kecuali Pavo, si Merak. Wah, mengapa Pavo tidak senang melihat bakat dan kehebatan binatang lain? Hmm... Albi, si landak, pun bingung pada tingkah laku Pavo. Penasaran? Yuk, kita intip festival tahunan ini. Selamat membaca.

Judul: Pavo at the Annual Festival (Pavo pada Festival Tahunan)
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Ilustrator: Ruslan
Editor: Eva
Penerbit: Indria Pustaka, grup Puspa Swara, anggota IKAPI
Tebal: 50 halaman
Ukuran: 19 x 22,5 cm
ISBN: 978-979-1475-14-3
Harga: Rp 35.900,- (berhadiah stiker nama & permainan)

Berminat? Bisa pesan di sini atau beli di toko buku lainnya.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Purwokerto, 2009

Peserta sibuk membuat sesuatu ketika pelatihan dan ketika foto bareng...  Diani & Hendra, kapan akurnya sih? ;)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Parakeet King

One afternoon all parakeets were trapped. They were panicky since they could not move their wings, feet and body. Some started to cry and others screamed. Were they able to escape from the trap? Should we help them?

Title: The Parakeet King
Adapted by Uncu Nana
Magazine: CnS Junior Edition 80 Volume VIII May 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bikin Dumdum

Bikin Dumdum yuk?

1. Copy gambar Dumdum yang ada di halaman 16 buku Dumdum, si Gajah Kecil.
2. Warnai.
3. Lobangi bagian pangkal hidung sebesar lingkaran jari telunjukmu. Kalian juga bisa meminta bantuan kakak, Bapak atau Ibu.
4. Masukkan jari telunjukmu di lobang tadi. Dan Dumdum siap beraksi.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dumdum, si Gajah Kecil

Apa jadinya kalau seekor gajah kecil yang biasanya ceria tiba-tiba bersedih? Dumdum, seekor gajah kecil yang senang bermain, rupanya melakukan sebuah kecerobohan di hadapan semua hewan. Akibatnya, dia dimarahi Ipit, seekor induk burung.
Kira-kira, apa yang harus Dumdum lakukan agar Ipit tidak marah lagi? Apakah Dumdum bisa menepati janjinya pada Ipit? Yuk, kita cari jawabannya di buku ini!

Judul: Dumdum, the Little Elephant (Dumdum Si Gajah Kecil)
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Ilustrator: Andie Anakota
Editor: Eva
Penerbit: Indria Pustaka, grup Puspa Swara, anggota IKAPI
Tebal: 50 halaman
Ukuran:19 x 22,5 cm
ISBN: 978-979-1475-14-3
Harga: Rp 35.900,- (berhadiah stiker nama & permainan)

Berminat? Bisa pesan di sini atau beli di toko buku lainnya.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Where's Didot?

Didot was sad when Ujal got angry at him. Yes, it was Didot's mistake, but he didn't do it on purpose. So Didot went to the market and sat in front of the bookstore. What was he doing? Let's find the answer.

Title: Where's Didot?
Author: Uncu Nana
Magazine: CnS Junior Edition 79 Volume VIII April 2009

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Status Facebook

Teman-teman berpesan agar Odit membawakan mereka oleh-oleh dari Jepang. Teman lainnya menanyakan tempat-tempat yang sudah Odit kunjungi di Jepang. Lalu, siapa yang dilihat Ijul berjalan di muka rumah Odit, di Jakarta?

Judul: Status Facebook
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Majalah: BOBO Tahun XXXVII 8 April 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

At the Travel Agency

Devi met Hana at a travel agency. Hana talked much about her plan to go to Sydney. Hana said that he would see tulips, cherry tree and jasmines in Sydney. Huh? Her story made Devi confused. Let's read the complete story.

Title: At the Travel Agency
Author: Uncu Nana
Magazine: CnS Junior Edition 77 Volume VII, February 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yogyakarta, 2008

Angkringan sebagai penutup pelatihan. Mainan '4U or 4me' sebagai pembuka pelatihan.  Main, tapi yang ada pesertanya mikir dengan gaya serius.  Eh, ini beneran serius ato pura-pura, sih? :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010